Overwhelmed to Intentional
You're a professional millennial woman. You appear as if you have it together. People probably assume that you do. But you know. You know that you don't actually feel like you have it together. You feel a bit like a fraud. You're living in a state of overwhelm that you've tried to solve for years, and nothing has worked. There's another way. I'm here to help.
Podcasting since 2020 • 163 episodes
Overwhelmed to Intentional
Latest Episodes
Parent Yourself (Kindly) to Get Things Done
This episode will show you how to redirect yourself to stay on task and complete things when you don't feel like it. Want to connect? Follow me on Instagram @_kristenalanah or...
Overwhelmed by the State of the World
When the world feels heavy, here are some helpful tips for handling it and showing up thoughtfully. Want to connect? Follow me on Instagram @_kristenalanah or email me at kri...
Episode 162
When You Didn’t Do What You Said You Would
Instead of beating yourself up for not doing that thing you wanted to do... again... we'll talk about how to become someone who keeps your word to yourself and follows through. Want to connect? Follow me on Instagram
Episode 161